Tauchplaetze - Sandbar  
This diving site is located approximately 2 kilometers offshore of Lapta .

This beautiful rising reef starts from 3 meters from south part and lies to north part up to 600 meters depth.  There are several caves in this dive site, therefore you can visit and observe 3 of them.

Pack of leer fishes, tuna fishes, breams and obladamelanura can be seen in this site.

It is possible to come across 2 meter leer fishes and 1.5 meter tuna fishes depend on diving season. Pack of groupers and rock groupers appear in this diving site like other sites İn all over the North Cyprus. The main difference of this site from others is that you can promenade one cave to another like you are in a fun fair.  Those caves are swarmed with soft and hard reefs.

There are manysponges and rock formations at the shallow part of diving site. So, it gives you a chance to take amazing photographs.  Nudibranches, leer fishes, tuna fishes, octopuses, stringrays and conger eel welcome you at the deep part of the site. Usually, these sea creatures congregate under the shady part of the wall and this situation provides nice poses for photographers.