Dive Master  
GoPro Dive Master
Imagine leading a life others only dream about. Whether you work in a local dive cente, at a resort or on a live-aboard dive boat, the adventure of a lifetime is yours for the taking.If you set your sights close to home and aspire to work at a local dive center, you teach people how to dive in your own backyard, with the opportunity of guiding trips to exotic dive destinations.If the sky's the limit, sailing off into the sunset could be the rule, not the exception, especially if you work in a tropical dive destination.

While experiencing new cultures and lifestyles, you'll be surrounded by people who are always happy. It's not all fun and games in paradise, but the rewards are well worth the effort. You will enable others to enrich their own lives and experience the adventure of diving. Imaging a job where you actually look forward to heading off for work in the morning. To work as a PADI Professional, start by taking the PADI Divemaster course and work your way up to the PADI Instructor level.
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DAN stands for Divers Alert Network, or as it is familiarly known the 'diver's safety net' DAN was born in 1980 following the initiative of certain scientists and university professors of international standing, in the USA and in Italy, who had understood that the managing of a diving emergency requires a special knowledge, not commonly found as part of normal medical structures.