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AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation Specialty Course

The AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation Specialty course teaches divers, norkelers and nondivers about the vital role coral reefs play in the marine environment and how these ecosystems are currently threatened. The course familiarizes participants with the current state of the world's coral reefs and explains how individuals can help protect the living reef from further decline.

The program is a nondiving course that only contains classroom presentations. You may conduct it as a stand-alone program, however, it's recommended that you offer it in conjunction with other PADI programs.

Students begin the course by reading Chapter Four of the A.W.A.R.E - Our World, Our Water book (if available in a language they understand.) They also watch the Protect the Living Reef video - diver or snorkeler version itherndependently or with you. You elaborate on course information using the colorful, photo-filled lesson guides. By completing and reviewing the program's Knowledge Review, students may earn the AWARE - Coral Reef Conservation Specialty certification

Prerequisite Certification: None
Minimum Age: None
Student-to-Instructor ratio: Not applicable
Minimum Open Water Training: None required
Minimum Instructor Rating: Teaching status PADI Assistant Instructor*


Project AWARE Specialty Program

The Project AWARE Specialty program is designed to familiarize divers and ondivers with the plight of worldwide aquatic ecosystems. It also describes what individuals can do to help protect aquatic resources.

The program is a nondiving course that only contains classroom presentations. It may be conducted as a stand-alone program or in conjunction with other PADI Specialty Diver courses.

Prerequisite Certification: None
Minimum Age: None
Student-to-Instructor ratio: Not applicable
Minimum Open Water Training: None required
Minimum Instructor Rating: Teaching status PADI Assistant Instructor*

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DAN stands for Divers Alert Network, or as it is familiarly known the 'diver's safety net' DAN was born in 1980 following the initiative of certain scientists and university professors of international standing, in the USA and in Italy, who had understood that the managing of a diving emergency requires a special knowledge, not commonly found as part of normal medical structures.